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It Makes sense get Your Own Small Business Started!

You have the ability to develop a sideline business that you can grow into your main financial income stream!

The real question you need to answer is -- why would you want to?

Maybe you have hopes and aspirations of things you would like to do accomplish
or places you would like to travel but you are stopped by financial constraints.
Maybe the rising cost of living that just eats away your disposable income
each year quickly removes those aspirations and eventually you just settle for your lot in life!

You don’t have to settle for less!

Starting any form of business requires you to learn new skills. You need to know your product
and how to get it to your target market.
Many people today live in quiet desperation trapped maybe in a job they don’t like but cannot leave.
The reality is you can get something up and running in your spare time that you can grow.

Benefits of doing so

Additional income means more financial security. Be aware that the higher you rise in your career the
greater the financial risk of losing the job if your employers business should fail.
Your existing position may make you unemployable!
20 Years back I quit my job to start a business. I knew I needed  to learn a lot. After 2 years
I started to run out of money so decided to look for a job. Because of the
 previous position I held I was considered too senior so never even reached the interview stage.
I then realised I had burned my bridges and had to make my business work and I did!

It is safer to have a backup income stream.
As you learn and grow your skills you will become sensitised to
seeing business opportunities.
Believe me they abound all around you.

You will derive tax benefits which can be major

The Internet has opened the door of opportunity to get something started today.

The job market is not stable anymore. Many factors come into play.

If you want to take control of your future you need to invest your spare time to develop your skills
and knowledge by starting something today.

If you consider that you have entrepreneurial skills that lie untapped and are prepared to explore
 new ideas and perspectives let’s get together and brain storm some ideas.

I will be happy to share what I know with the right person.
Getting something up and running is easier that you think!

You don’t have to accept life the way it is. You have the power to change it!

If you have ideas you would like to share email us at share@akitabn.co.za

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What you believe will determine what you do.
What you do determines your results.
Change your beliefs,
and you will change your results.

Ruben Gonzalez